14 Feb Flatland Cavalry & Colby Acuff Honor Toby Keith With “Should’ve Been A Cowboy”
Posted at 4:01 PM
in Colby Acuff
Everyone has been tipping their hat to the late Toby Keith. I think I speak for the collective when I say that since the passing of Toby Keith, he has been blaring through speakers everywhere. Whether you are listening to a cover of his songs or straight from his discography, the trend is all Toby Keith all day long. From the patriotic anthems to the slow love ballads, they all hit.
Flatland Cavalry recently had a milestone career moment. While on stage, they brought out their friend and supporting act, Colby Acuff, to tip their hats to the Oklahoma native.
Flatland had covered “Should’ve Been A Cowboy” at their show right after the news broke that Toby Keith had peacefully passed at 62 while in Athens, Georiga.