Luke Combs NICOLE COMBS Flatland Cavalry Cooper Alan Brent Cobb Conner smith Colby Acuff THE WILDER BLUE The Castellows Dillon Carmichael JOSH ABBOTT BAND Red Shahan THE PANDHANDLERS Drew Parker Meghan Patrick Alex Lambert Jackie Lee KELLER COX Jordan Harvey TYLER DIAL
Luke Combs NICOLE COMBS Flatland Cavalry Cooper Alan Brent Cobb JOSH ABBOTT BAND Colby Acuff THE WILDER BLUE THE PANDHANDLERS The Castellows Dillon Carmichael Red Shahan Drew Parker Meghan Patrick Alex Lambert Jackie Lee KELLER COX Jordan Harvey TYLER DIAL


    At Make Wake Artists, our mission is to discover, develop, and elevate our artists. We are committed to fostering true artistry, providing unreasonable support, and building enduring careers. Rooted in trust, care, and passion, we strive to align our artists with their fans, authentically.


    To Care. To Believe. To Trust.
    Fans. F1rst.